Japanese Whisky Tasting w/ “The Way of Whisky” Author Dave Broom hosted by Jack Rose Dining Saloon

The Story: Jack Rose Dining Saloon hosted Dave Broom, internationally recognized author and whisky expert. He is currently on tour releasing his book “The Way of Whisky; A Journey Around Japanese Whisky”. He led a guided tasting of seven unique and distinctive Japanese Whiskies and followed the tasting with a book signing and meet and greet.
Experience: I was especially excited to attend this event, because I am not as familiar with Japanese whiskies, except that I enjoy drinking them. Jack Rose never fails to impress its patrons with a beautiful set up. The Saloon adds a special touch and greets each guest with a high ball cocktail. Mr. Broom is extremely personable while greeting guests, as he talked and joked as everyone arrived. He was a wonderfully animated speaker, and as he said, “you can’t lead a tasting without a drink in your hand”. His charming accent might have helped win me over.

He started the tasting by describing the history of Japanese whisky and the significance of the high ball in saving the industry. The strong smoky, peated flavors found in whisky were not initially popular in the hot Japanese climate. The high ball is a light refreshing cocktail, that created the demand for Japanese whisky in Japan.
Throughout the tasting, he described the connection that the flavors of the whiskey had to the area that they were distilled. To add to the experience, he described how the whisky flows in your mouth as you drink it while asking us “What is the feel of the whisky and the story?” As he guided us through the tasting, I was transported to the woods of Japan, watching smoke rise in the wood through the flavors of the whisky.
He continued the tasting by describing the arc of maturity of a whisky (the perfect amount of time to age the whisky in the barrel.) and the different motivations in the whisky industry. As opposed to the scotch industry that focuses on consistency over the years, Japanese whisky focuses on improving the whisky every year. Your favorite Japanese whisky five years ago might have a completely different profile than the same Japanese whisky today.
Following the tasting, he took time to sell his books and meet with everyone there. Jack Rose had plenty of amazing snacks and a special pour for anyone that purchased a book (I bought two). It was wonderful to get to speak to Mr. Boom, and I love both of my books so far.
Recommendation: I always recommend Jack Rose events! The staff and chefs put forth their best efforts to ensure that customers feel welcome and to ensure everyone enjoys the events. This event was no different; it was perfectly coordinated with amazing food and a great set up. You really cannot beat $50 for seven whiskies, a cocktail, and a guided tasting by one of the world’s leading experts.
If you have an opportunity to hear Dave Broom speak, I recommend it. He has an extremely animated personality that he uses to paint a descriptive picture of the whisky’s story. If you cannot meet him in person, his personality comes through in his writing, even without his wonderful accent. I adore my books;they are invaluable resources. I am using mine to compare tasting note, further educate myself, and even to help plan my trip to Scotland. Now go and enjoy some Japanese whisky! I am off to yoga, Cheers!
Lucci’s review is coming don’t worry.